6D - Isotonic Sports Drink 1,4kg
329,00 DKK
6D - Isotonic Sports Drink 1,4kg
329,00 DKK
As an expert in the field, it's important to understand that the two main contributors to fatigue in (endurance) exercise are carbohydrate depletion and dehydration. Unfortunately, many athletes struggle with proper carbohydrate intake and absorption, leading to performance loss and gastrointestinal symptoms. That's where a high-quality isotonic sports drink, such as "6d ISOTONIC SPORTS DRINK," comes into play. With a 2:1 glucose:fructose ratio, this drink allows for the absorption of up to 90g of carbohydrates per hour during exercise, compared to only 60-70g with other sports drinks. Plus, its high salt concentration (900 mg sodium per litre) helps replenish lost salts during intense and prolonged exercise. The perfectly isotonic nature of this drink further aids in the absorption of both water and energy simultaneously, while its neutral pH (~7.0) makes it gentle on the stomach. This is especially important for endurance athletes, as low pH levels can cause tooth enamel